Thursday, January 31, 2008
My Birthday Celebration
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Im Very Busy~ *Sigh*
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
The Ayat al-Qursi, or Throne Verse, is Qur’an 2:255

Tremendous virtues have been associated with Ayat Al-Qursi, for the authentic Hadith describes it as ‘the greatest Ayah in the Book of Allah.’ According to Islamic scholar Mahmoud Ayoub, this verse is “regarded by Muslims as one of the most excellent verses of the Qur’an. It has therefore played a very important role in Muslim piety.” Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh) approves of a statement about its power, “Whenever you go to your bed, recite the Verse of ‘Al-Qursi’ (2.255) for then a guardian from Allah will be guarding you, and Satan will not approach you till dawn” and of another about its being the “greatest verse in the Book of Allah.” Qurtubi reports that “when the Throne Verse was revealed, every idol and king in the world fell prostrate and the crowns of kings fell off their heads,” and recounts a saying by Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh) in which Allah tells Musa (AS) of the many blessings that people will receive if they recite the Throne Verse.
Al-Bukhari recorded in his Sahih from Abu Hurayrah, in the chapters on the virtues of the Qur’an and the description of Shaytan. In this narration, Abu Hurayrah said,“Allah’s Messenger assigned me to keep watch over the Sadaqah (charity) of Ramadan. A person snuck in and started taking handfuls of foodstuff. I caught him and said, ‘By Allah, I will take you to Allah’s Messenger.’ He said, ‘Release me, for I am meek and have many dependents and am in great need.’ I released him, and in the morning Allah’s Messenger asked me, ‘What did your prisoner do yesterday, O Abu Hurayrah’ I said, ‘O Allah’s Messenger! He complained of being needy and of having many dependents, so I pitied him and let him go.’ Allah’s Messenger said, ”Indeed, he told you a lie and will be coming again.” I believed that he would show up again, for Allah’s Messenger had told me that he would return. So, I watched for him. When he (showed up and) started stealing handfuls of foodstuff, I caught hold of him again and said, ‘I will definitely take you to Allah’s Messenger.’ He said, ‘Leave me, for I am very needy and have many dependents. I promise I will not come back again.’ I pitied him and let him go. In the morning Allah’s Messenger asked me, “What did your prisoner do last night, O Abu Hurayrah!” I replied, ‘O Allah’s Messenger! He complained of his great need and of too many dependents, so I took pity on him and set him free.’ Allah’s Messenger said, “Verily, he told you a lie; he will return.” I waited for him attentively for the third time, and when he (came and) started stealing handfuls of the foodstuff, I caught hold of him and said, ‘I will surely take you to Allah’s Messenger as it is the third time you promised not to return, yet you returned.’ He said, ‘Let me teach you some words which Allah will give you benefit from.’ I asked, ‘What are they’ He replied, ‘Whenever you go to bed, recite Ayat Al-Qursi- Allahu la ilaha illa Huwal-Hayyul-Qayyum, till you finish the whole verse. (If you do so), Allah will appoint a guard for you who will stay with you, and no Shaytan will come near you until morning.’ So, I released him. In the morning, Allah’s Messenger asked, “What did your prisoner do yesterday” I replied, ‘O Allah’s Messenger! He claimed that he would teach me some words by which Allah will grant me some benefit, so I let him go.’ Allah’s Messenger asked, “What are they” I replied, ‘He said to me: Whenever you go to bed, recite Ayat Al-Qursi from the beginning to the end, Allahu la ilaha illa Huwal-Hayyul-Qayyum. He further said to me: (If you do so), Allah will appoint a guard for you who will stay with you, and no Shaytan will come near you until morning.’ (One of the narrators) then commented that they (the Companions) were very keen to do good deeds. The Prophet said, “He spoke the truth, although he is a liar. Do you know whom you were talking to, these three nights, O Abu Hurayrah” Abu Hurayrah said, ‘No.’ He said, “It was Shaytan.”

Yesterday (15th january 2008) My boyfriend had an interview with TNB near Bangsar..I wanna follow him, to give him full support..I Dont wanna the same thing happen to him just like the one with the SIA in Singapore..where he started to panic because he cannot called or message me..So this time I wanna be by his side..for better or worst..hehe..I wasnt feel well, but I had enough sleep and already took my medication, So by 2.30 pm, I was able to meet him and give him encourage and support him. The interview went well..he said, he didnt look nervous, and his eyes didnt melilau( what is melilau in English eh?) So after the interview, I met him at TNB, and we went to Kajang to pay his unfinish fees for Mandarin course he took last year. About RM 350 I guess...After that we went to Uniten, to meet angah, his sister and Boy and Alista, his friend..I was so boring, so I started wandering with cats..and just walked to take some fresh air la..Then it started to rain, After that we went home where during that time was raining cats and dogs..I was so cold, and sneezed, after that he also started to sneeze..OMG..the virus has started to spread! because of me..Haih~ at home, he called me, he said that he also has started to cough painfully..erk..because of me kah??
Monday, January 14, 2008
Im Sick...
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Love You!
- I love the way you touch my nose just to make me look at you..
- I love the way you would go to the passenger seat just to kiss me..
- I love the you hold my hand and then put it to your chest..
- I love the way you look at me when I'm fallen asleep at your leg..
- I love the way you tickle me even when I told you to stop..
- I love the way you teasing me when i make fool of myself..
- I love the way you told me that you want me to be there for you..
- I love the way you look at me when I'm eating..
- I love the way you hug me when I was busy shopping...
- I love the way you hold my hand when your friends are with you..
- I love the way feed me popcorn on when we watching movie together..
- I love the way you stare at me when I walk to your car...
- I love the way you always write me such a romantic message...
- I love the way you play pool!! You look! ;p
- I love the way you sing me a romantic songs..
- I love the way you defend me when my friends make fun of me..
- I love the way you wink at me while you're talking to your friends..
- I love the way caress me while I'm sleeping..
- I love the way you started to make funny faces when you ate something sour..
- I love the way you smile when I look at you while you're driving...
- I love the way you surrender when we're playing pool, just for me...
- I love the fact that you want to be with me, and only me..
- I love how I am, and feel when I am with you..
- I love you for you!
why 24?? because this year my boyfriend is 24 years old!
Monday, January 7, 2008
Another Not So Boring Day
The good news is, I feel better now with my boyfriend..I know he's really love me though..It's just that I kept thinking whether I am the one for him or not..He is too good looking for me...It's hard you know not to be "cair" with your own boyfriend everytime you look at him...I hope someday I will be able to control myself...
Saturday, January 5, 2008
Today is my worst day ever..
- I have terrible period pain!
- I don't have enough money to go shopping.
- I felt quite uneasy with my boyfriend.
- His younger brother took his room for tonite, so I cannot YM with him!
- I have to drove back home at 12.30 a.m alone! after send him home from airport.
- My car was running out of gas!
- My sandwiches left at my office.
- My boyfriend was not selected to become cadet pilot in SIA.
- I wear baju kurung, and felt weird while karaoke and playing pool.
- I kept thinking whether my boyfriend really loves me or not..haih~
"Just Be Who You Want To Be, Not What Others Wanna See"
Thursday, January 3, 2008
New Year's Celebration
Yeehaaa!! Me and my friends celebrated New Year's festival at The Curve, Damansara..Where all the people were nuts, full of bubbles (yeah because they have this bubble spray to make it like snow kot??) and of course, full of joy and luaghter..Nurul, Diha, Intan, Mondea and I went to The Curve to see the fireworks, and it was soooo beautiful! and long....and our head were like soo sakit, sakit tengkuk!
At the same time, my boyfriend was working at Baskin Robbins, he was in night shift, so he finished his work at 12 am..hehe..that is also the reason why I came to the Curve see my boyfriend...and I have a very good reason, because my friends were also wanted to meet him before he fly to Singapore for his 2nd interview with SIA...that was a good reason kan?? huhu!
Me and Intan
Me and not so half of Diha..haha!
Me and Nurul
from left: Nurul, Diha, me and Intan
It's Raining..It's Pouring...and I still working.... T.T
So the interview went quite wrong..he said that the interviewer asked him GEOGRAPHY questions! For example, who is the prime minister of Pakistan? What are some of the cities in Sumatera and so on..That's ridiculous rite!! His friend had studied really hard on technical stuff the night before the interview, but poor he, none of them was questioned by the interviewer...haha! He was asked about some LAW questions....huhu! Eh! Back to my boyfriend's interview...One of the guy who interviewed him said that his English was poor..and he said that "We at Singapore Airlines are really concern about English proficiency..." yeah they have perfect English lah kan???
So after the interview, they have Tea Party. Where the pilots have some chit chattin' with the candidates...haaa...time tu la diorang nak tengok, whether the candidates are frindly or not ke, sombong ker ape ker...But I know my boyfriend..he is really friendly, and funny guy..haha! ;p
After all things finished, he tried to search for a shop that sold sim that he can called his family, his aunty and his wife..who?? His wife??!!!
To be continued.........
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
- Bila sorang wanita mengatakan dia sedang bersedih, tetapi dia tidak menitiskan airmata, itu bermakna dia sedang menangis di dalam hatinya.
- Bila dia tidak menghiraukan kamu selepas kamu menyakiti hatinya,lebih baik kamu beri dia masa untuk menenangkan hatinya semula sebelum kamu menegur dengan ucapan maaf.
- Wanita sukar nak cari benda yang dia benci tentang orang yang paling dia sayang (sebab itu ramai wanita yang patah hati bila hubungan itu putus di tengah jalan).
- Sekiranya sorang wanita jatuh cinta dengan sorang lelaki, lelaki itu akan sentiasa ada di fikirannya walaupun ketika dia sedang keluar dengan lelaki lain.
- Bila lelaki yang dia suka dan cinta merenung tajam ke dalam matanya,dia akan cair seperti coklat!!
- Wanita memang sukakan pujian tetapi selalu tidak tau macam mana nak menerima pujian.
- Jika kamu tidak suka dengan gadis yang sukakan kamu separuh mati, tolak cintanya dengan lembut,jangan berkasar sebab ada satu semangat dalam diri wanita yang kamu tak akan tahu bila dia dah buat keputusan, dia akan
lakukan apa saja. - Sekiranya sorang gadis mula menjauhkan diri darimu selepas kamu tolak cintanya, biarkan dia untuk seketika. Sekiranya kamu masih ingin menganggap dia sorang kawan,cubalah tegur dia perlahan-lahan.
- Wanita suka meluahkan apa yang mereka rasa. Muzik,puisi,lukisan dan tulisan adalah cara termudah mereka meluahkan isi hati mereka.
- Jangan sesekali beritahu perempuan yang mereka ni lansung tak berguna.
- Bersikap terlalu serius boleh mematikan mood wanita.
- Bila pertama kali lelaki yang dicintainya dalam diam memberikan respon positif, misalnya menghubunginya melalui telefon, si gadis akan bersikap acuh tak acuh seolah-olah tidak berminat, tetapi sebaik saja ganggang diletakkan, dia akan menjerit kesukaan dan tak sampai sepuluh minit,semua rakan-rakannya akan tahu berita tersebut.
- Sekuntum senyuman memberi seribu erti bagi wanita. Jadi jangan senyum sebarangan.
- Jika kamu menyukai sorang wanita,cubalah mulakan dengan persahabatan. Kemudian biarkan dia mengenalimu dengan lebih mendalam.
- Jika sorang wanita memberi seribu satu alasan setiap kali kamu ajak keluar, tinggalkan dia sebab dia memang tak berminat denganmu.
- Tetapi jika dalam masa yang sama dia menghubungimu atau menunggu panggilan darimu,teruskan usahamu untuk memikatnya.
- Jangan sesekali mengagak apa yang dirasakannya. Tanya dia sendiri!!
- Selepas sorang gadis jatuh cinta, dia akan sering tertanya-tanya kenapalah aku tak jumpa lelaki ini lebih awal.
- Kalau kamu masih tercari-cari cara yang paling romantik untuk memikat hati sorang gadis,cubalah rajin-rajinkan tangan menyelak buku-buku cinta.
- Bila setiap kali gambar kelas keluar, benda pertama yang dicari oleh wanita ialah siapa yang berdiri di sebelah buah hatinya, kemudian barulah dirinya sendiri.
- Bekas teman lelaki akan sentiasa ada di fikirannya tetapi lelaki yang dicintainya sekarang akan berada di tempat teristimewa iaitu di hatinya!!
- Satu ucapan 'Hi' sahaja sudah cukup menceriakan harinya.
- Teman baiknya saja yang tahu apa yang sedang dia rasa dan lalui.
- Wanita paling benci lelaki yang berbaik-baik dengan mereka semata-mata nak tackle kawan mereka yang paling cantik.
- Cinta bermaksud kesetiaan, ambil berat, jujur dan kebahagiaan tanpa sebarang kompromi.
- Semua wanita mahukan sorang lelaki yang cintakan mereka sepenuh hati..
- Senjata wanita adalah airmata!!
- Wanita suka jika sesekali orang yang disayanginya mengadakan surprise buatnya (hadiah,bunga atau sekadar kad ucapan romantis). Mereka akan rasa terharu dan merasakan bahawa dirinya dicintai setulus hati. Dengan ini dia tak akan ragu-ragu terhadapmu.
- Wanita mudah jatuh hati pada lelaki yang ambil berat tentang mereka dan baik terhadapnya. So kalau nak memikat wanita pandai-pandailah...
- Sebenarnya mudah mengambil hati wanita kerana apa yang dia mahu hanyalah perasaan dicintai dan disayangi sepenuh jiwa.
Today is my fisrt day using this blogger thingy, and I still don’t know how to use this blog. My friend Amin, who is an intern at Petronas eLearning recommend blogger to me, so I think why not I give it a try kan? Huhu..Malas sebenarnye nak tulis2 blog ni, but then this is my new resolution for 2008 bebeh! Rajin rajin la buat blog yer Diana sayang..hehe…
So, by the way, yesterday I went to KLIA to send my boyfriend to Singapore…I was so sad and happy and bercampur aduk la feelings ni, because I want him to success doing whatever he dreams of, Oh! Lupa nak bitau…dia nak jadi pilot..and he received an invitation to join Singapore kan? Tapi tu la…sedey sebab xnak berjauhan ngan dia I kinda moody and blurry yesterday, instead of being happy for him..teruk kan? I know he was mad at me yesterday, because he wanted me to give him full support and strength to prepare for his second interview with Singapore Airlines tuh...haih~~ Sambung lagi la pasni, Amin ni sibuk curi tengok blog I time nih…I’ll continue later ok?